Editorial Team

The Seismica Editorial Team includes members of the Management Committee, members of the Operational teams, and Handling Editors.

Last update: August 29, 2024

Management Committee

Christie Rowe, Executive Editor, Community (she/her) Christie is the Director of the Nevada Seismological Laboratory and a Professor at University of Nevada Reno. She studies outcrops of active and ancient, exhumed faults to understand fault creep, earthquake slip, and healing throughout the crust and plate boundaries. At Seismica, Christie coordinates journal building and organizational structure as Seismica’s Executive Editor for Community.

Catherine (Kate) Rychert, Executive Editor, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Dr. Catherine Rychert is an Associate Scientist with Tenure at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Her work focuses on seismically imaging Earth’s interior to better understand mantle dynamics and plate tectonics. In particular she focuses on the thickness and definition of the tectonic plate. She is an executive editor at Seismica and leads the EDI taskforce.

Sam Teplitzky, Executive Editor, Open Science
Sam is an open science and Earth sciences librarian at University of California, Berkeley. She is the Open Science Editor at Seismica where she is helping to design and implement an open, transparent and reproducible workflow for Seismica authors. Sam is excited to support not only open access articles but also a fully open research process for the Seismica community.

Gareth Funning, Executive Editor, Production
Gareth works as a Professor at the University of California, Riverside. He is a geophysicist. By studying movements and deformation of the Earth's surface, he aims to learn more about processes that occur in the crust. These include earthquakes, the bending of the crust by plate tectonics, slow movements of faults ('fault creep'), and human activities such as geothermal power production. Gareth is the Executive Production Editor for Seismica.

Andrea Llenos, Executive Editor, Operations
Andrea is a Research Geophysicist with the US Geological Survey. As a statistical seismologist, her research interests include earthquake forecasting, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis, and understanding the causes and implications of natural and human-induced changes in seismicity rate. She helped develop guidelines for authors, reviewers, and editors as a Handling Editor and is now the Executive Editor for Operations at Seismica.

Steve Hicks Handling Editor Liaison (he/him)
Stephen is a seismologist at University College London (UK). His research interests cover structural seismology (e.g., 3-D tomographic imaging of seismic velocities, attenuation, anisotropy) and source seismology (earthquake rupture mechanics and source inversions) in a range of active tectonic environments (e.g., subduction zones, ocean transform faults), and induced seismicity. Stephen is passionate about making seismology and earthquake research more equitable and inclusive so he was part of the original Task-Force who initiated the original idea behind Seismica. Since then, Stephen has been involved in the development of the journal’s policies and guidelines, and as Handling Editor Liaison he puts these into practice.

Yen Joe Tan Associate Editor, Production
Yen Joe is an Assistant Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interest involves using seismology to study various active tectonic processes such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, including those occurring on the seafloor. He has served as a Handling Editor for Seismica before becoming Associate Editor for Production.

Jaime Convers, Media & Growth, co-Chair
Jaime Convers is a seismologist, and co-Chair of the Media & Branding Team at Seismica. His research incorporates seasonally induced seismicity and moment tensor inversions in southeast Brazil. He also works with calculations of radiated seismic energy for intermediate to large earthquakes. He is especially obsessed with the evaluation of energy-deficient Tsunami earthquakes applied to earthquake early warning.

Ezgi Karasozen, Media & Growth, co-Chair
Ezgi is a seismologist with the Alaska Earthquake Center and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Her work focuses on developing techniques to better characterize the seismic source in real-time, in order to enhance monitoring capabilities and strengthen hazard response environments. Currently, she is working on detecting and locating landslide-triggered tsunamis in Southern Alaska. She is passionate about the real-time applicability of her research, and its public engagement component. At Seismica, she is co-Chair of the Media & Branding Team, where she helps define and communicate Seismica's message with the broader community by creating content for different platforms.

Kiran Thingbaijam, Fast Reports, Chair
Kiran Kumar S. Thingbaijam is a Seismologist (senior scientist) at GNS Science, New Zealand. His research explores seismic hazard analysis, with focus on earthquake source and ground motion. At Seismica, he chairs the Fast Reports section, is on the Management Committee and contributes to the development of Editorial Policies and Guidelines.

Hannah Mark, Standards & Copy-Editing, co-Chair
Hannah is a geophysicist. Currently a postdoctoral investigator at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, she uses marine and terrestrial seismic data to study mantle dynamics and how tectonic processes interact with geochemical cycles. She is the co-chair of standards and copy-editing for Seismica, working on polishing and formatting accepted articles for publication. Hannah was recognized with the inaugural Seismica Moment Award in 2023 for her exceptional innovations and support for colleagues on the Board

Théa Ragon, Standards & Copy-Editing, co-Chair
Théa is chargée de recherche CNRS at ISTerre, Grenoble, France. Théa uses inverse or forward modeling to better understand how shallow parts of the Earth deform a few seconds to years before, during and after an earthquake. She is the co-chair of the Standards and Copy-Editing team for Seismica, and is probably editing and formatting your accepted manuscript as you read these lines. She also serves as Handling Editor.

Martijn van den Ende, Tech team, co-Chair
Martijn is a postdoctoral researcher at the Université Côte d’Azur working on a mix of earthquake cycle modelling, rock mechanics, observational seismology, fibre-optic sensing, and Deep Learning. Martijn formed the original “Task Force” that explored the feasibility of the Seismica initiative, and he currently assists the journal with technical matters such as maintenance of the website.

Thomas Lecocq, Tech team, co-Chair
Thomas is a seismologist working at the Seismology & Gravimetry department of the Royal Observatory of Belgium. Thomas does research on different topics of seismology and earthquake science, including intraplate earthquakes monitoring, imaging and monitoring with ambient seismic noise and volcanoseismology. He is a strong advocate for Free and Open Source software and contributes to different open source projects, namely ObsPy. Thomas is the co-chair of the technical team for Seismica.

Operational teams

Kasey Aderhold, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Kasey is an earthquake seismologist working at the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, primarily on projects and programs in instrumentation. She is lending a hand at Seismica to help address equity, diversity, and inclusion through best practices, policy, and procedures.

Tiegan Hobbs, Fast Reports
Tiegan Hobbs is a research scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada, and an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia and the University of Victoria. She leads the development of Canada's national seismic risk model, and is also interested in seismic hazard, active tectonics, geodesy, fault physics, and geotechnical engineering. She will be serving Seismica as a Fast Reports editor.

Ryo Okuwaki, Fast Reports
Ryo Okuwaki is an observational seismologist based at University of Tsukuba, Japan. His research covers a broad range of geophysics and seismology, mainly focusing on earthquake-source kinematics and physics, earthquake-source imaging, Earth’s subsurface phenomena, environmental seismology, and array seismology. For Seismica, he has been involved as a Fast Reports editor.

Adam Pascale, Media & Branding Adam is the Chief Scientist at the Seismology Research Centre, an observatory based in Melbourne, Australia. Adam has been working with earthquakes for over 30 years, and is dedicated to making seismology accessible through his work as an active science communicator, and by applying thoughtful design to earthquake analysis tools. He is part of the Media & Branding team at Seismica.

Daniel Corona, Media & Branding Daniel is a seismologist specializing in historical earthquakes, a geoscience lecturer, and a science communicator. His research includes the study and analysis of historical earthquakes using legacy seismic data, database processing and analysis, and software development. His research interests include seismic source analysis, computational seismology, and the automation of processes through machine learning, along with Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). At Seismica he is part of the Media & Branding team.

Kirsty Bayliss, Standards & Copy-Editing
Kirsty Bayliss is a statistical seismologist interested in earthquake hazard over different timescales. Her experience is in applying statistical methods to earthquake data to study clustering and to develop probabilistic earthquake forecasts. She is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Edinburgh. Kirsty is part of the Standards and Copy-Editing team at Seismica.

Abhineet Gupta, Standards & Copy-Editing
Abhineet is an earthquake engineer focusing on how earthquakes impact communities. He works at the intersection of disaster risk forecasting, statistical modeling, and machine learning. He has worked on seismic rate assessment, ground motion prediction, and hazard and risk assessment for induced seismicity. His other research interests include measuring cascading impacts on interconnected lifeline infrastructure from disasters, and effective communication of uncertainties for decision making. At Seismica, he has worked as part of the media and growth, and the standard and copy-editing teams.

Anant Hariharan, Standards & Copy-Editing
Anant is a seismologist studying the thermochemical characteristics and evolution of the Earth's upper mantle. He is passionate about seismic imaging methods across a range of frequencies and length-scales and has experience with measuring the propagation speeds of surface waves, minimizing noise in these measurements, and using them to map Earth structure. Anant is part of the Standards and Copy-Editing team at Seismica.

Oliver Lamb, Standards & Copy-Editing
Oliver is a Volcano Seismologist at GNS Science. His current research and expertise are within developing and using seismic and acoustic techniques for monitoring and understanding active volcanoes in New Zealand and worldwide. He has also branched out into other fields, including cryo-seismology, lightning and meteor detection, and elephant seismology. For Seismica, Oliver is a member of the Standards and Copy-Editing team.

Anna Ledeczi, Standards & Copy-Editing
Anna is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Washington Seattle, where she uses seismic reflection data and field geology to understand splay faulting, megathrust earthquake generation, and accretionary wedge processes at the Cascadia subduction zone. She conducts field work in Olympic National Park, WA, where the recently subducted and exhumed Olympic Subduction Complex is exposed. Anna is a member of Seismica’s Standards and Copy-Editing Team.

Miguel Neves, Standards & Copy-Editing
Miguel is a seismologist applying data-driven approaches to earthquake science. His research focuses on improving earthquake catalogs and extract patterns from data with the aim of studying complex earthquake sequences, external stressors and slowly deforming regions. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Géoazur working on denoising waveforms from Haiti. Miguel is a member of Seismica’s Standards & Copy-Editing team.

Tara Nye, Standards & Copy-Editing
Tara is a Mendenhall fellow with the US Geological Survey. As a ground-motion seismologist, she aims to improve estimates and reduce uncertainty of ground motion for seismic hazard and risk assessments. She uses both kinematic simulations and empirical observations to better model the different pieces of the ground-motion puzzle (i.e., source, path, and site). Tara is a member of the Standards and Copy-Editing team for Seismica.

Aisling O’Kane, Standards & Copy-Editing
Aisling O’Kane is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Canterbury and GNS Science in Aotearoa New Zealand. She has an interdisciplinary background across the earth sciences and engineering fields, with expertise in computational seismology, tectonics, and natural hazard and risk assessment. Her current research focusses on developing next-generation approaches to accelerate Aotearoa New Zealand’s natural hazard resilience from tsunamis, earthquakes and multi-hazard events. She is a Standards and Copy-Editor for Seismica.

Sarah Oliva, Standards & Copy-Editing
Sarah is an assistant professor at Universidad de Chile in Santiago. Her research mainly probes into the mechanisms that drive earthquakes, fault-magma interactions, and tectonic processes along plate boundaries. She enjoys science communication, especially talking to kids about earthquakes and volcanoes.

Mouse Reusch, Standards & Copy-Editing

Ethan Williams, Standards & Copy-Editing Ethan recently completed his Ph.D. in geophysics at the Caltech Seismo Lab, working with Prof. Zhongwen Zhan. In January 2023, he is moving to the University of Washington as a postdoctoral scholar. Ethan applies fiber optic sensing to problems in engineering/environmental seismology and physical oceanography. He is part of the standards and copy-editing team for Seismica.

Handling Editors

Atalay Ayele
Atalay Ayele is Prof. of Geophysics (Seismology) who is currently the director of the Institute of Geophysics Space Science and Astronomy of Addis Ababa University. He is currently involved in teaching and advising postgraduate students, coordinating & running the national seismic station network of the country, data analysis and research. He served as chairman of the coordinating committee for the EAGLE (Ethiopian Afar Geoscientific Lithospheric Experiment) which was conducted from 2001-2003 in the main Ethiopian rift and it is one of the successful projects in that region in geophysics discipline. He was also involved in broadband seismic experiments of the French (Strasbourg) and Penn State University working groups and the two projects are winded up successfully, Coordinator of sub-Saharan Global Earthquake Model (GEM) and founding president of the African Seismological Commission (AfSc). He is Visiting Fellow of Leeds and Bristol Universities. Prof. Ayele is fellow of the Ethiopian Science Academy. He is the 2021 international award recipient of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in recognition for making an outstanding contribution to furthering the Earth and space sciences and using science for the benefit of society in developing nations. Atalay serves as a handling editor.

Pathikrit (Path) Bhattacharyaa
Path is a geophysicist working as an Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Science Education and Research, India. His research interests are broadly within the domain of physics of earthquakes – both natural and human-induced. He has particularly focussed on understanding the role of friction and fluids in controlling fault behaviour within different parts of the earthquake cycle by combining rock deformation experiments, field observations and modelling. Within Seismica, Path is involved as a handling editor.

Chiara Civiero
Chiara is an Assistant Professor of Geophysics at the University of Trieste. Her research focuses on investigating the mantle processes that shape the Earth’s surface. She primarily works on seismic tomography to image the lithosphere and underlying mantle, combining seismic observations with insights from geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and geodynamic modeling. Chiara is involved in Seismica as a Handling Editor.

Åke Fagereng
Åke is a structural geologist based at Cardiff University, UK. His is interested in how the Earth deforms, and specifically in the range of fault slip styles from steady creep to earthquakes. He primarily studies natural fault rocks through field and lab studies, but also uses numerical models and deformation experiments, and participates in geophysical deployments. Ake has joined Seismica as a handling editor and member of the mentoring programme, and chairs the Appeals Committee.

Alice-Agnes Gabriel
Alice is a seismologist combining physics-based computer simulations, routinely utilizing the largest supercomputers worldwide, with data-driven techniques and theoretical analysis to uncover the physical mechanisms relevant to understanding earthquakes. Her research bridges space-time scales as well as disciplines within Geophysics and with Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. For Seismica, she has been a member of the first task force and is now appointed as a Handling Editor.

Carmine Galasso
Carmine is a Professor of Catastrophe Risk Engineering in the University College London (UCL)’s Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), UK. His research focuses on developing and applying probabilistic and statistical methods and computational tools for catastrophe risk modelling and disaster risk reduction for natural hazards, with particular emphasis on earthquakes and their cascading hazards. His research interests include earthquake-induced ground-motion selection, simulation and validation; time-dependent earthquake risk; impact-based earthquake early warning; earthquake-risk-informed and people-centred decision-making on urban planning and design. Carmine was the Executive Editor for Operations at Seismica and now serves as a Handling Editor.

György Hetényi
György is a geophysicist working at the Institute of Earth Sciences at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland. György does research on different topics in seismology, seismotectonics, gravimetry, and focuses on orogenic processes mainly in the Himalaya-Tibet and the Alpine area using complementary tools. He has coordinated large projects such as AlpArray and DIVE, and is also active in educational seismology in Nepal and Switzerland.

Pablo Heresi
Pablo is an Assistant Professor at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, in Chile. His current research and expertise are within earthquake engineering and engineering seismology topics, including performance-based earthquake engineering, seismic hazard and risk analysis both on a building level and a regional scale, ground-motion characterization, and seismic protection devices. Pablo is part of the Seismica Board as Handling Editor.

Matt Ikari Matt J. Ikari is a senior research scientist at MARUM, Center for Marine Environmental Science at the University of Bremen. His present research is focused on the physics and motion of faults in the Earth, using laboratory deformation experiments in order to determine how and why some faults may move as large and destructive earthquakes, or as slow earthquakes or as steady creep. Much of this research uses natural fault samples from around the world, including from scientific drilling projects focusing on plate boundary faults.

Paula Koelemeijer
Paula is an Associate Professor at the University of Oxford in the UK. Her research has mostly focused on imaging and interpreting the seismic structure of the lower mantle, often using normal mode observations combined with geodynamic simulations and mineral physics. She also has an interest in using seismic noise to study animal and human behaviour. Paula is involved in Seismica as a Handling Editor.

Giuseppe Petrillo
I am a researcher at Nanyang Technological University - Earth Observatory of Singapore, specializing in statistical mechanics, statistical seismology, and stochastic modeling. With a background that bridges physics and mathematics, my work aims to advance stochastic models by incorporating physical principles. My research spans from statistical mechanics models, such as interfaces in disordered media, to more mathematically driven approaches like space-time-marked self-exciting Hawkes processes of the branching type. My goal is to push the boundaries of these models by infusing them with deeper physical understanding.

Nicola Piana Agostinetti
Nicola is an Earth Scientist interested in the exploration and monitoring of the subsurface, for a sustainable exploitation of the geo-resources. In his research, he integrates various geo-observables to investigate the subsurface taking into consideration different perspectives. Nicola has a long-standing track-record (>20 years) in seismology, with experience ranging from field operations to data analysis and Earth modeling. When he is not "geo-researching”, he is either running or playing guitar. For Seismica, he has been involved in the writing of policies and guidelines and he is now part of the editorial board as Handling Editor.

Mathilde Radiguet
Mathilde is a geophysicist based at Université Grenoble Alpes, France. Her research focussed on the study of the seismic cycle including earthquakes, interseismic deformations and slow fault slip. She uses geodetic (GNSS, InSAR) and seismic data to monitor crustal deformation and characterize fault processes. Mathilde has joined Seismica as a handling editor and member of the Appeals Committee.

Marlon Ramos
Marlon pays the bills as a research geophysicist at Sandia National Laboratories. From a research perspective, he is interested in the source physics of earthquakes (or explosions) and has experience in physics-based computer simulations of dynamic rupture and data mining/nonlinear algorithms for (seismic) signal detection. His published work has primarily focused on subduction zones. Marlon is a Handling Editor for Seismica.

Lise Retailleau
Lise is a research scientist at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris based at the volcanological observatory of Piton de la Fournaise. Her research focuses on the analysis of the various seismic signals generated in volcanic contexts that propagate in the ocean or in the solid Earth. She studies the links between different events and volcanic activity. She also studies oceanic sources of signals and their use for Earth imaging. Lise joined Seismica as a Handling Editor.

Vitor Silva
Vitor Silva is an earthquake engineer with a focus on seismic hazard and risk analyses, development of methodologies to analyse the impact of earthquakes, and creation of open-source tools. He is the Risk Coordinator at the Global Earthquake Model Foundation and a senior researcher at the Research Unit RISCO at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Vitor is a strong advocate of open science, models and tools, and has contributed to the Seismica policies.

Hongyu Sun
Hongyu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Resource Sciences at The University of Texas at El Paso. Her research interests include seismic monitoring, seismic imaging, near-surface geophysics, and machine learning. She has joined the Seismica Editorial Team as a Handling Editor.

Suzan van der Lee
Suzan is a data-driven seismologist and a professor in Earth and planetary sciences. She strives to unravel, predict, and understand the dynamics of the Earth’s deep interior, utilizing her expertise in observational & computational seismology, including tomographic imaging of the Earth’s mantle and crust. She has led numerous big-data analyses and seismic data acquisition field experiments in Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Suzan is a Handling Editor and Mentoring Team member at Seismica.

Lauren Waszek
Lauren is a global seismologist, studying the structure and properties of Earth’s interior from the shallow mantle to the inner core. Her research integrates seismic observations with modeling from mineral physics and geodynamics, in order to constrain compositional characteristics and the associated dynamical processes. Lauren is a lecturer in Physics at James Cook University, and acts as a handling editor for Seismica.

Jonathan Weiss
Jonathan is a Geophysicist at the NOAA/NWS/Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Honolulu, Hawaii with broad interests in active tectonics, geodynamics, crustal deformation, and geohazards. His recent research has focused on using geodetic data to achieve a synoptic view of the mechanisms that drive Earth-surface deformation, particularly related to the earthquake cycle. When not monitoring global seismicity and conducting applied research aimed at improving warning center operations, Jonathan enjoys spending time with his family and riding surf/skateboards.

Randy Williams
Randy is a senior research scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. His primary research includes field, laboratory, and numerical investigations of fault and earthquake mechanics in addition to the feedbacks between deformation, fluid flow, and mass transport in the crust. Other interests include paleoseismology and quantitative approaches to better constraining the periodicity (or lack thereof) of large earthquakes in the rock record. Randy is a Handling Editor for Seismica and has served on Board Selection Committees.

Wenbo Wu

Wenbin Xu
Wenbin is professor in geodesy and geophysics at Central South University, China. His research focuses on the use of space geodesy (InSAR, GNSS) to study crustal deformation associated with a variety of geophysical and anthropogenic processes, such as earthquake cycle deformation, volcanic activity, land subsidence, and so on. Within Seismica, He is committed to serve as handling editor.

Inactive and past board members

Greg Beroza, Editorial Mentoring
Greg is the Wayne Loel Professor of Earth Sciences in the Department of Geophysics at Stanford University. His research is data-driven and focused on earthquake seismology. Among his interests are induced earthquakes, slow earthquakes, intermediate-depth earthquakes, ground motion prediction, and the use of machine learning for seismological analysis. He will be a handling editor at Seismica with an emphasis on editorial mentoring.

Laure Fallou
Laure Fallou is a research manager at the Euro-Mediterranean Seismological Center (EMSC). With a background in sociology, she is particularly interested in risk culture and the information needs of people who have just felt an earthquake. For instance, she has been studying reactions to Earthquake Early Warnings, the spread of false information or participation in citizen seismology projects, and handles papers in this area for Seismica.

Matthew Agius
Matthew Agius is a seismologist currently working as a post-doctorate researcher at the University of Malta. His research interests range from setting up and operating onshore and offshore seismic networks, processing seismic signals to locate earthquakes, real-time earthquake monitoring and tsunami simulation and using large seismic datasets to image the Earth's lithosphere and mantle structures. Matthew was part of the Media & Branding team until March 2023.

Quentin Brissaud
Quentin Brissaud is a geophysicist at NORSAR, Norway studying seismo-acoustics for Earth and planetary applications. He uses machine learning and numerical simulations to make the most out of signals recorded at the ground up to the high atmosphere. Quentin has joined Seismica as part of the Media & Growth Team. Quentin was part of the Media & Branding team until March 2023.

Tran T. Huynh
As the Associate Director for Science Operations for the Southern California Earthquake Center, Tran has responsibility for the Center’s strategic planning and implementation, budgeting and financial operations, research administration, personnel, communications, and core science operations. Within Seismica, Tran was chair of the Media & Growth team until 2023.

Keyla Ramirez
Keyla Ramirez Loaiza was a member of the Seismica Copy Editing & Standards team until March 2023. Her research interests are earthquake relocalitation, velocity model building and various geophysical data integration. She is the Head of the Geophysics Department at the Venezuelan Foundation for Seismological Research (FUNVISIS). As head of the department she develops with her team projects in Seismic Microzonation to ensure earthquake resistant building design codes, Geodynamic modeling in the South America – Caribbean Boundary, and the Andes of Merida and the and also contributes with the CTBTO National Data Centre. She studied at University College Dublin in the Republic of Ireland.

Shiba Subedi
Shiba is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland working on crustal imaging, seismicity, and education seismology mainly in the Himalayas. Shiba initiated a program Seismology at School which is bridging geoscientists with the public in Nepal. He has more than five years of experience in earthquake communication and outreach activities. Shiba was a member of the Seismica Media & Branding team until March 2023.

Danielle Sumy
Danielle is a seismologist interested in how people learn about earthquakes. Her research focuses on disaster risk reduction as it relates to earthquake and tsunami early warning. Danielle is motivated by her belief that earthquakes are natural, but disasters are not. Other research interests include earthquake triggering. Danielle is at the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, and currently works on the U.S. Geological Survey’s ShakeAlert earthquake early warning system.

Jesper Sören Dramsch, Tech team
Jesper Dramsch works at the intersection of machine learning and physical, real-world data. Currently, they're working as a scientist for machine learning in numerical weather prediction at the coordinated organisation ECMWF. Jesper has defended a PhD in machine learning for geoscience at DTU. Their interests extend to reproducibility and sci-comm, which they applied in the Tech Team at Seismica.

Dragoș Toma-Dănilă, Tech team
Dragos is an experienced researcher in seismology and GIS, with a focus on seismic risk, network analysis and educational seismology. He works at the National Institute for Earth Physics, Romania. Dragos was involved in the Tech Team of Seismica.

Claudia Reis
Cláudia Reis is a structural engineer from Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon studying the cascading earthquake and tsunami effects on coastal structures. Her main interests are the geophysical characterization of earthquake and derivative tsunami phenomena, multi-hazard/risk assessment and mathematical tools to reproduce the physics involved during the interaction between extreme natural hazard and the response of the built environment. Within Seismica community, she was part of the Standards and Copy Editing Team.

Jack Muir
Jack is a seismologist and mathematical geophysicist. He is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow at the University of Oxford, investigating methods of accelerating seismic waveform calculations using machine learning. He also investigates seismic structures at lengthscales ranging from the 10’s of centimeters (agricultural soils) to 100’s of kilometers (the core-mantle boundary). He was part of the standards and copy-editing team for Seismica.

Brad Lipovsky Brad is an assistant professor in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Washington. His research focuses on understanding the underlying physics of dynamic Earth systems including glaciers, volcanoes, earthquakes, geothermal reservoirs, and landslides. Brad is also the founding principle investigator of the University of Washington Fiber Lab, an interdepartmental group focused around integrated and distributed optical fiber sensing including Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS). He was previously acting as Handling Editor for Seismica.

Marino Protti Quesada
Marino Protti is a geophysicist and Director of the Costa Rica Volcanological and Seismological Observatory, at the National University (OVSICORI-UNA). He has over three decades of experience studying subduction processes that generate large earthquakes. He was part of an international team that anticipated the rupture area of the Nicoya September 5th, 2012, MW=7.6 earthquake. Marino is a Handling Editor at Seismica and involved in EDI work. He was previously acting as Handling Editor for Seismica.