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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (Seismica is happy to accept pre-printed papers on public servers, but please state the preprint DOI in the Comments to the Editor Box).
  • The submission adheres to ALL points in the Submission Checklist ( and the Author Guidelines (
  • Author(s) have secured all necessary copyright permissions for the use of 3rd-party materials in the manuscript.
  • All the listed co-authors have agreed on all of the manuscript contents, including the author list and author contributions statement, and all co-authors have been entered as contributors.
  • Please double-check that the email addresses of your coauthors have been entered correctly, and that these addresses are the most up-to-date contact for each person. Incorrect contact details may lead to an initial rejection of your manuscript.
  • The authors confirm they are aware that they are encouraged to suggest potential reviewers in the Comments to the Editor box. Please double-check that email addresses for reviewers are accurate and up-to-date. Seismica will not be responsible for delays in the review process caused by incorrect reviewer contact details. Any other Reviewers or Handling Editors that may have competing interests should also be named.

Author Guidelines

Detailed information for authors is available on the Author Guidelines page. A condensed version of the manuscript preparation requirements is available in the submission checklist.


Research articles present advances in scientific knowledge or understanding. These are typically from 3,000 to 10,000 words in length (excluding references and figure captions), and can address any aspect of seismology and earthquake science within the journal’s scope (see above). Authors who have long articles of over 10,000 words that cannot be shortened should contact the Executive Editor for Production ahead of submission to see if this can be accommodated.

For more information, see Seismica's policies on Publication Types, and our Author Guidelines.

Fast Reports

Fast Reports are high quality, short, and time-sensitive manuscripts. A key focus will be the first report of a recent earthquake, swarm, or other event (typically submitted within 3-4 weeks after its occurrence or of data collection from that event). An earthquake report may include: original observations and ground motion recordings, source inversions, felt reports and impacts on the built environment, or secondary hazard assessments (e.g., tsunami, landslides). However, submissions offering little more than information routinely provided by earthquake monitoring agencies (e.g. USGS, Geoscope, EMSC) will not be considered. Fast Reports will also consider other studies of a time-sensitive nature, including reanalysis or review of a previous study or lesser known event, proof of concept studies, application of models/techniques, hypothesis validation, and new and/or revised models within the scope of Seismica.  Fast Reports also welcomes articles that could be perceived critical and urgent for science strategy, policies or standards (e.g., building codes) and topics that could be of interest to the seismology community. Fast Reports go through an accelerated review process.

Reports (excl. Fast Reports)

Reports contribute peer-reviewed useful information to the public sphere but may not represent a substantive advance in understanding in themselves. Types of reports may include:

- null results/failed experiment reports
- software reports
- instrument deployment and field campaign reports

For more information, see Seismica's policies on Publication Types.

Special Issue: 2023 Türkiye/Syria earthquakes

We invite submissions to the Special Issue, "Lessons from the devastating 2023 Kahramanmaraş, Türkiye earthquake sequence" on the following topics, but this list is not exhaustive:

- Observations and modelling of the earthquake ruptures and post-seismic deformation (e.g., afterslip, aftershocks)
- Geophysical, geological (e.g., tectonic, paleoseismological) and engineering context leading up to the earthquakes
- Analysis of secondary effects and hazards (e.g., surface rupture, landslides)
- Engineering seismology and earthquake engineering insights on the strong ground shaking and building damage.
- Quantifying, implementing and communicating seismic hazard models.
- Communicating the science: what went well, what went wrong, what can we do better in the future?

Fast Reports can be submitted until 6 months from the special issue launch date. Research articles will be accepted for this special issue until February 2024.

We particularly invite work from those working in Türkiye and Syria.

Where possible, abstracts and plain language summaries will also be printed in local languages.

To submit to this Special Issue, please select “Special Issue: 2023 Türkiye/Syria earthquakes” in the dropdown "Section" box on the submission page. If you would like your submission to be considered as a Fast Report, please note this in the “Comments to the Editor” free-text box.

Special Issue: the Cascadia Subduction Zone

The Cascadia Subduction Zone: Grand Challenges and Research Frontiers

We invite submissions on any aspect of this system in key locations or in its entirety and we are particularly interested in contributions that address the following general topics as they pertain to the Cascadia Subduction Zone and studies that try to bridge the gaps between them:

- System-level links between convergent tectonics and earthquake hazard
- Accumulation and release of elastic strain throughout the earthquake cycle
- Temporal and spatial variability of the earthquake record
- Characteristics and controls of dynamic megathrust ruptures
- Drivers of intra-plate faults and earthquakes and their associated hazards
- Unique characteristics of strong ground motion in Cascadia
- Tsunamigenic sources and the controls of inundation

Privacy Statement

Privacy statement introduction

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Last updated 24 January 2023

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