A call from early‑career Turkish scientists: seismic resilience is only feasible with “earthquake culture”





earthquake culture, science communication, earthquake hazard


Despite significant scientific advances in earthquake research and building codes, Türkiye remains vulnerable to earthquakes, as demonstrated by the tragic Kahramanmaraş earthquake in February 2023. In contrast, countries such as Chile and Japan have successfully reduced earthquake damage through strict enforcement of building codes and effective public awareness campaigns. This paper highlights the need for seismic resilience in Türkiye and proposes actionable guidelines to bridge the gap between science and society. These guidelines include comprehensive geoscience education, the establishment of local earthquake centers, effective science communication, preparation for future earthquakes through scenario modeling, and development of an earthquake culture. Geoscience education should be integrated into the education system, and opportunities for geoscientists should be increased. Local earthquake centers can improve seismic monitoring, research, and public outreach. Geoscientists should prioritize science communication training to engage the public and combat misinformation. Scenario modeling and annual preparedness exercises can improve earthquake preparedness across the country, and promoting earthquake memory and awareness initiatives will build a collective consciousness about earthquakes. By implementing these guidelines, Türkiye can build earthquake resilience and mitigate the impact of future earthquakes; however, the active engagement of scientists, institutions, and the public is essential to achieve earthquake resilience.


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How to Cite

Karasözen, E., Büyükakpınar, P., Ertuncay, D., Havazlı, E., & Oral, E. (2023). A call from early‑career Turkish scientists: seismic resilience is only feasible with “earthquake culture”. Seismica, 2(3). https://doi.org/10.26443/seismica.v2i3.1012