Optimal Network Design for Microseismic Monitoring in Urban Areas - A Case Study in Munich, Germany





Seismic Networks, Induced Seismicity, Microseismic Monitoring, Optimization


Well-designed monitoring networks are crucial for obtaining precise locations, magnitudes and source parameters, both for natural and induced microearthqakes. The performance of a seismic network depends on many factors, including network geometry, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the seismic station, instrumentation and sampling rate. Therefore, designing a high-quality monitoring network in an urban environment is challenging due to the high level of anthropogenic noise and dense building infrastructure, which can impose geometrical limitations and elevated construction costs for sensor siting. To address these challenges, we apply a numerical optimization approach to design a microseismic surveillance network for induced earthquakes in the metropolitan area of Munich (Germany), where several geothermal plants exploit a deep hydrothermal reservoir. First of all, we develop a detailed noise model for the city of Munich, to capture the heterogeneous noise conditions. Then, we calculate the expected location precision for a randomly chosen network geometry from the body-wave amplitudes and travel times of a synthetic earthquake catalog considering the modeled local noise level at each network station. In the next step, to find the optimum network configuration, we use a simulated annealing approach in order to minimize the error ellipsoid volume of the linearized earthquake location problem. The results indicate that a surface station network cannot reach the required location precision (0.5 km in epicentre and 2 km in source depth) and detection capability (magnitude of completeness Mc = 1.0) due to the city´s high seismic noise level. In order to reach this goal, borehole stations need to be added to increase the SNR of the microearthquake recordings, the accuracy of their body-wave arrival times and source parameters. The findings help to better quantify the seismic monitoring requirements for a save operation of deep geothermal projects in urban areas.


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How to Cite

Keil, S., Wassermann, J., Megies, T., & Kraft, T. (2023). Optimal Network Design for Microseismic Monitoring in Urban Areas - A Case Study in Munich, Germany. Seismica, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.26443/seismica.v2i2.1030


