Shear-wave attenuation anisotropy: a new constraint on mantle melt near the Main Ethiopian Rift




The behaviour of fluids in preferentially aligned fractures plays an important role in a range of dynamic processes within the Earth. In the near-surface, understanding systems of fluid-filled fractures is crucial for applications such as geothermal energy production, monitoring CO2 storage sites, and exploration for metalliferous sub-volcanic brines. Mantle melting is a key geodynamic process, exerting control over its composition and dynamic processes. Upper mantle melting weakens the lithosphere, facilitating rifting and other surface expressions of tectonic processes.
Aligned fluid-filled fractures are an efficient mechanism for seismic velocity anisotropy, requiring very low volume fractions, but such rock physics models also predict significant shear-wave attenuation anisotropy. In comparison, the attenuation anisotropy expected for crystal preferred orietation mechanisms is negligible or would only operate outside of the seismic frequency band.
Here we demonstrate a new method for measuring shear-wave attenuation anisotropy, apply it to synthetic examples, and make the first measurements of SKS attenuation anisotropy using data recorded at the station FURI, in Ethiopia. At FURI we measure attenuation anisotropy where the fast shear-wave has been more attenuated than the slow shear-wave. This can be explained by the presence of aligned fluids, most probably melts, in the upper mantle using a poroelastic squirt flow model. Modelling of this result suggests that a 1% melt fraction, hosted in aligned fractures dipping ca. 40° that strike perpendicular to the Main Ethiopian Rift, is required to explain the observed attenuation anisotropy. This agrees with previous SKS shear-wave splitting analysis which suggested a 1% melt fraction beneath FURI. The interpreted fracture strike and dip, however, disagrees with previous work in the region which interprets sub-vertical melt inclusions aligned parallel to the Main Ethiopian Rift which only produce attenuation anisotropy where the slow shear-wave is more attenuated. These results show that attenuation anisotropy could be a useful tool for detecting mantle melt, and may offer strong constraints on the extent and orientation of melt inclusions which cannot be achieved from seismic velocity anisotropy alone.


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How to Cite

Asplet, J., Wookey, J., Kendall, M., Chapman, M., & Das, R. (2024). Shear-wave attenuation anisotropy: a new constraint on mantle melt near the Main Ethiopian Rift. Seismica, 3(1).




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