SeisMIC - an Open Source Python Toolset to Compute Velocity Changes from Ambient Seismic Noise
seismic interferometry, Ambient seismic noise, environmental seismology, Passive Seismology, seismic velocity change, volcano seismology, cryoseismology, passive image interferometry, noise monitoring, software, open scienceAbstract
We present SeisMIC, a fast, versatile, and adaptable open-source software to estimate seismic velocity changes from ambient seismic noise. SeisMIC includes a broad set of tools and functions to facilitate end-to-end processing of ambient noise data, from data retrieval and raw data analysis via spectrogram computation, over waveform coherence analysis, to post-processing of the final velocity change estimates. A particular highlight of the software is its ability to invert velocity change time series onto a spatial grid, making it possible to create maps of velocity changes. To tackle the challenge of processing large continuous datasets, SeisMIC can exploit multithreading at high efficiency with an about five-time improvement in compute time compared to MSNoise, probably the most widespread ambient noise software. In this manuscript, we provide a short tutorial and tips for users on how to employ SeisMIC most effectively. Extensive and up-to-date documentation is available online. Its broad functionality combined with easy adaptability and high efficiency make SeisMIC a well-suited tool for studies across all scales.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Peter Makus, Christoph Sens-Schönfelder
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Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Grant numbers SE1844/12-1