Discontinuous transtensional rupture during the Mw 7.2 1995 Gulf of Aqaba earthquake
bayesian inversion, Red Sea, earthquake, backprojectionAbstract
The Gulf of Aqaba earthquake occurred on 22 November 1995 in the Northern Red Sea and is the largest instrumentally recorded earthquake in the region to date. The event was extensively studied during the initial years following its occurrence. However, it remained unclear which of the many faults in the gulf were activated during the earthquake. We present results from multi-array back projection that we use to inform Bayesian kinematic rupture models constrained by geodetic and teleseismic data. Our results indicate that most of the moment release was on the Aragonese fault via left-lateral strike slip and shallow normal faulting that may have been dynamically triggered by an early rupture phase on the Arnona fault. We also identified a predominantly normal fault-segment on the eastern shore of the gulf that was activated in the event. We dismiss the previously proposed hypothesis of a co-seismic sub-event on the western shore of the gulf and confirm that observed deformation can be rather attributed to post-seismic activity. In conclusion, the gulf shows many signs of active tectonic extension. Therefore, more events close to the shorelines are to be expected in the future and should be considered conducting infrastructure projects in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hannes Vasyura-Bathke, Andreas Steinberg, Frank Krüger, Guangcai Feng, P. Martin Mai, Sigurjón Jónsson
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