Nondestructive testing of railway embankments by measuring multi-modal dispersion of surface waves induced by high-speed trains with linear geophone arrays
Seismic interferometry, Ambient seismic noise, MASW, Inversion, Passive seismicAbstract
To effectively address engineering challenges and risks, it is crucial to characterize mechanical properties of near-surface environments. The Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) has proven to be a valuable active seismic imaging technique by providing near-surface shear (S)-wave velocities estimations. However, its application to urban areas requires further development. This study leverages well-constrained experimental sites to assess the viability of a passive-MASW technique, utilizing seismic waves induced by high-speed train traffic instead of conventional active sources. We suggest employing short 96-geophone uniform linear arrays to capture surface waves in a broad frequency band (10-200 Hz). Train passages are automatically detected and categorized regarding to the train travel direction. Seismic interferometry and phase-weighted stack techniques are applied to generate virtual shot-gathers that are transformed into high-resolution multi-modal dispersion images. Our results demonstrate a strong coherence between the picked dispersion curves from the passive-MASW approach and those obtained through traditional active MASW with a hammer source. We discuss the validity of higher modes and explore array density limits to ensure reliable results. Our findings highlight that seismic interferometry, coupled with a high phase-weighted stack power, effectively recovers energy at high frequencies, enhancing the characterization of multi-modal surface-wave dispersion associated with thin near-surface layers.
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Copyright (c) 2024 José Cunha Teixeira, Ludovic Bodet, Marine Dangeard, Alexandrine Gesret, Amélie Hallier, Agnès Rivière, Audrey Burzawa, Julio José Cárdenas Chapellín, Marie Fonda, Ramon Sanchez Gonzalez, Amine Dhemaied, Joséphine Boisson Gaboriau

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