Seismoacoustic measurements of the OSIRIS-REx re-entry with an off-grid Raspberry PiShake
Hypersonic re-entries of spacecraft are valuable analogues for the identification and tracking of natural meteoroids re-entering the Earth's atmosphere. We report on the detection of seismic and acoustic signals from the OSIRIS-REx landing sequence, acquired near the point of peak capsule heating and recorded using a fully off-grid Raspberry PiShake sensor. This simple setup is able to record all the salient features of both the seismic and acoustic wavefields; including the primary shockwave, later reverberations, and possible locally induced surface waves. Peak overpressures of 0.7 Pa and ground velocities of 2x10-6m/s yield lower bound on the air-to-ground coupling factor between 3 and 44 Hz of 1.4x10-6 m/s/Pa, comparable to results from other re-entries
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Benjamin Fernando, Constantinos Charalambous, Christelle Saliby, Eleanor Sansom, Carene Larmat, David Buttsworth, Daniel Hicks, Roy Johnson, Kevin Lewis, Meaghan McCleary, Giuseppe Petricca, Nick Schmerr, Fabian Zander, Jennifer Inman

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Johns Hopkins University
Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Grant numbers MAGIS, ANR-19-CE31-0008-08