Deep learning detects uncataloged low-frequency earthquakes across regions


  • Jannes Münchmeyer ISTerre - Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Sophie Giffard-Roisin
  • Marielle Malfante
  • William B. Frank
  • Piero Poli
  • David Marsan
  • Anne Socquet



Low frequency earthquake, deep learning, Earthquake detection


Documenting the interplay between slow deformation and seismic ruptures is essential to understand the physics of earthquakes nucleation. However, slow deformation is often difficult to detect and characterize. The most pervasive seismic markers of slow slip are low-frequency earthquakes (LFEs) that allow resolving deformation at minute-scale. Detecting LFEs is hard, due to their emergent onsets and low signal-to-noise ratios, usually requiring region-specific template matching approaches. These approaches suffer from low flexibility and might miss LFEs as they are constrained to sources identified a priori. Here, we develop a deep learning-based workflow for LFE detection and location, modeled after classical earthquake detection with phase picking, phase association, and location. Across three regions with known LFE activity, we detect LFEs from both previously cataloged sources and newly identified sources. Furthermore, the approach is transferable across regions, enabling systematic studies of LFEs in regions without known LFE activity. 


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How to Cite

Münchmeyer, J., Giffard-Roisin, S., Malfante, M., Frank, W., Poli, P., Marsan, D., & Socquet, A. (2024). Deep learning detects uncataloged low-frequency earthquakes across regions. Seismica, 3(1).




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