An unexplained tsunami: Was there megathrust slip during the 2020 Mw7.6 Sand Point, Alaska, earthquake?
tsunamigenic earthquakes, tsunamigenesis, tsunamis, InversionAbstract
On October 19, 2020, the Mw7.6 Sand Point earthquake struck south of the Shumagin Islands in Alaska. Moment tensors indicate the earthquake was primarily strike-slip, yet the event produced an enigmatic tsunami that was larger and more widespread than expected for an earthquake of that magnitude and mechanism. Using a suite of hydrodynamic, seismic, and geodetic modeling techniques, we explore plausible causes of the tsunami. We find that strike-slip models consistent with the moment tensor orientation cannot produce the observed tsunami. Hydrodynamic inversion of sea surface deformation from deep ocean and tide gauge data suggest seafloor deformation more closely matches a megathrust, rather than a strike-slip, source. Static slip inversions, using sea level and Global Navigation Satellite System data, allow for a portion of co-seismic megathrust slip that can explain tsunamigenesis. Combining all available geophysical datasets to model the kinematic rupture, we show that considerable, relatively slow, megathrust slip is allowable in the Shumagin segment, concurrent with strike-slip faulting. We hypothesize that the slow megathrust rupture does not contribute much seismic radiation allowing it to previously go unnoticed with traditional seismic monitoring.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Sean Santellanes, Dara Goldberg, Pablo Koch, Diego Melgar, William Yeck, Brendan Crowell, Tim

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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National Science Foundation
Grant numbers 1835661 -
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Grant numbers 80NSSC19K1104