DeepRFQC: automating quality control for P-wave receiver function analysis using a U-net inspired network
Receiver Function, Deep Learning, quality control, U-net, H-k stackingAbstract
This paper introduces DeepRFQC, an automated method for quality control in P-wave receiver function analysis. Leveraging a U-Net inspired deep learning model, which has previously shown promise in denoising and phase detection, DeepRFQC efficiently distinguishes usable from noisy receiver functions. We examine a Proterozoic Trans-Hudson Orogen dataset from northern Canada, including seismic events from 1990 to 2023, which is expanded for training purposes by data augmentation techniques. With 1,508,449 trainable parameters, the DeepRFQC model attains a commendable 96.6% validation accuracy, on a test dataset from the X5 seismic network; tests on stations from different tectonic environments indicate that the model is effective even in environments very different from the training set. Validation through the H-κ stacking method shows consistent and plausible results. As manual quality control is a major bottleneck in receiver-function processing, automated methods such as this one will allow for efficient examination of large data sets.
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Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Grant numbers RGPIN/004933-2015