Heterogeneous high frequency seismic radiation from complex ruptures
normal stress bump, fault geometry, laboratory seismology, peak ground acceleration, enhanced high frequency radiationAbstract
Fault geometric heterogeneities such as roughness, stepovers, or other irregularities are known to affect the spectra of radiated waves during an earthquake. To investigate the effect of normal stress heterogeneity on radiated spectra, we utilized a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) laboratory fault with a single, localized bump. By varying the normal stress on the bump and the fault-average normal stress, we produced earthquake-like ruptures that ranged from smooth, continuous ruptures to complex ruptures with variable rupture propagation velocity, slip distribution, and stress drop. High prominence bumps produced complex events that radiated more high frequency energy, relative to low frequency energy, than continuous events without a bump. In complex ruptures, the high frequency energy showed significant spatial variation correlated with heterogeneous peak slip rate and maximum local stress drop caused by the bump. Continuous ruptures emitted spatially uniform bursts of high frequency energy. Near-field peak ground acceleration (PGA) measurements of complex ruptures show nearly an order-of-magnitude higher PGA near the bump than elsewhere. We propose that for natural faults, geometric heterogeneities may be a plausible explanation for commonly observed order-of-magnitude variations in near-fault PGA.
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