A model of the earthquake cycle along the Gofar oceanic transform faults
Earthquake Cycle, Gofar Transform Fault, Coulomb StressAbstract
The Gofar oceanic transform fault at the East Pacific Rise has one of the best seismic cycles recorded by modern instruments. The timing, location, and magnitude of major earthquakes (Mw>5.5) have been well constrained by data from global seismic networks for the past 30 years. The earthquake interval is short, about 3-5 years. Several segments have already experienced 5 cycles since 1995, when the seismic network was good enough for surface wave relocation. Two ocean bottom seismometer deployments (2008-2009, 2021-2023) also provide constraints on the seismic properties on the fault. This makes Gofar an ideal place to study earthquake cycles. Here, we developed a model for the seismic cycle along the Gofar transform fault using a semi-analytical approach for rapidly calculating 3D time-dependent deformation and stress caused by screw dislocations embedded within an elastic layer overlying a Maxwell viscoelastic half-space. The 160-km long fault is divided into three major segments with six asperities. Our model simulates the earthquake pattern on this fault for the past 30 years. Most of the time, each asperity ruptured as a large earthquake every 3-5 years. Most segments have a nearly constant Coulomb stress threshold of 2-3 MPa, providing optimal conditions for the forecasting of future earthquakes along Gofar. For three cases that deviated from this simple regular pattern, a large earthquake occurred with a centroid location between two asperities. This is likely due to concurrent rupture that involved both asperities. We also modeled surface deformation with different elastic layer thicknesses and mantle viscosities. Even though most deformation is in the horizontal direction, the difference in both horizontal and vertical directions between models can be as large as a few centimeters per year. Several seafloor geodesy methods can be used to differentiate between models, and seafloor pressure might be the most appropriate one at this remote location.
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National Science Foundation
Grant numbers 1654416