Near-real-time design of experiments for seismic monitoring of volcanoes
volcano seismology, experimental design, Bayesian hypocentre inversion, Microseismic MonitoringAbstract
Monitoring the seismic activity of volcanoes is crucial for hazard assessment and eruption forecasting. The layout of each seismic network determines the information content of recorded data about volcanic earthquakes, and experimental design methods optimise sensor locations to maximise that information. We provide a code package that implements Bayesian experimental design to optimise seismometer networks to locate seismicity at any volcano, and a practical guide to make this easily and rapidly implementable by any volcano seismologist. This work is the first to optimise travel-time, amplitude and array source location methods simultaneously, making it suitable for a wide range of volcano monitoring scenarios. The code-package is designed to be straightforward to use and can be adapted to a wide range of scenarios, and automatically links to existing global databases of topography and properties of volcanoes worldwide to allow rapid deployment. Any user should be able to obtain an initial design within minutes using a combination of generic and volcano-specific information to guide the design process, and to refine the design for their specific scenario within hours, if more specific prior information is available.References
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Horizon 2020
Grant numbers 955515