Validation of Peak Ground Velocities Recorded on Very-high rate GNSS Against NGA-West2 Ground Motion Models
ground motions, gnss, strong motion seismology, peak ground velocityAbstract
Observations of strong ground motion during large earthquakes are generally made with strong-motion accelerometers. These observations have a critical role in early warning systems, seismic engineering, source physics studies, basin and site amplification, and macroseismic intensity estimation. In this manuscript, we present a new observation of strong ground motion made with very high rate (>= 5 Hz) Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) derived velocities. We demonstrate that velocity observations recorded on GNSS instruments are consistent with existing ground motion models and macroseismic intensity observations. We find that the ground motion predictions using existing NGA-West2 models match our observed peak ground velocities with a median log total residual of 0.03-0.33 and standard deviation of 0.72-0.79, and are statistically significant following normality testing. We finish by deriving a Ground Motion Model for peak ground velocity from GNSS and find a total residual standard deviation 0.58, which can be improved by ~2% when considering a simple correction for Vs30.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Brendan Crowell, Jensen DeGrande, Timothy Dittmann, Jessica Ghent
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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U.S. Geological Survey
Grant numbers G22AP00038;G21AC10529